Saturday, October 30, 2010

its you and me :)

i love you
i miss you
i hate you
i need you
i want you
i heart you

*yayy, :DD

Thursday, October 28, 2010

apa ? apa?

haa, td p Penang. schedule tuleh war museum, USM ngan Queensbay. suddenly masa prhimpunan cikgu Suhaimi Zaman ckp tk jd p Queensbay sbb ada parents complained bout the day kita p CS ritu. cm bangangg ja enn? but fortunately, cegu p gk Queensbay sbb tadak tmpat strategik nk mkn melainkan kt situ. fr me, semua tmpat best. just mood ak jea yg tk best kot. tetau napa = ="

then time otw balek tu, ak tidoq jaaa lam bas. letih pnjat tgga sial. haha, 
dh balek tu, ak ckp la kt mk ak ada jmuan sabtu ni. then dy ckp p mkn jea, pstu balek tros. erghh. mna geram pun! eii, ak igt dh abeh pmr ni, dpt la sdikit freeeeeeedom. huh, sama la gk. adess !

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

tak faham !

shazrin azri, u cakap rindu then u blah.
pelik = ="

you, : l

the worst way to miss someone is when they are standing right 
beside u and yet u know u can never have them. 
that's how it is for me.

i love you
can't u see? 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

vanilla twilight ♥

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light blue

But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
Till I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways

Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because when I think of you
I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink

I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter

And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again
And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear,
Oh darling I wish you were here

*i really love this song. i mean REALLY²    it :)

p/s ; haa, ak tao lagu ni dh oldskool, so what? biaq kt ak laa. haha :D 

Monday, October 25, 2010

malang ka dak ak tetau !

he had found somebody else. act, ak pun tetau pa ak rasa. jeles? haha, might be. and shazrin azri, if u are reading this ryte now, i know u msti gelak takdak dh kt i enn? haha, 
*haishh, apa ak tules nii?

then td. bru jea td, erghh, i told my dad to fetch me at 2.30. 2.30, okayy? then tau dak dy amek koi bapa? haa? haa? dy amek ak koi 4.30! mna penat pun ak dk cangak sorg² kt situ enn? bqapa byk lagu dh ak nyanyi tetau la. agknya org lam keta yg lau lalang kt jalan tu pkiaq ak ni gila ka pa. haha :D

Sunday, October 24, 2010

diet =="

yesterday, while ak sedang bancuh-ing quaker oat..

mama : laa. mkn quaker oat ja. diet ka?
wany  : haa, diet pa kebendanya, mama?
mama : tu mkn quaker oat ja?
wany  : hapa pun tadak nk mkn kt umah ni. i mkn quaker oat ja la.
mama : laa. mama igt diet td. nahh 6 ringgit, p beli laksa 3 bungkuih. mkn ngan adik².

then, ak pun p la beli laksa kt belakang umah ak menaiki moto bapak ak yg tersayang♥.

*p/s ; laksa tu sedappp. makcik, besok jgn tutup kedai. sy nk p beli lagi :D

Saturday, October 23, 2010

we love you mom♥

she is my cute adeq, alyaa sarah. and i really love her and her voice ♥♥

Thursday, October 21, 2010

its you again ♥

u make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed
sing like bird, dizzy in my head
spin like a record, crazy on a sunday night
u make me dance like a fool, forget how to breathe
shine like gold, buzz like a bee
just the thought of u can drive me wild
oh, u make me smile :)


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

hey you :)

saya semakin suka pada anda dari hari ke hari. 
ur eyes, 
ur smile, 
i just love the way you are.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

program PASCA PMR ♥ 2

40 of us went to a carnival at IPSAH today, while others dekat sekolah kna join kem mmbaca 1 Malaysia.  perghh, trbaekk ahh. haha ! tp carnival tu bkan la best mna sgt pun. cm fiesta koko kt skolah ja. haha, sorry. i met that syafwan azman there. sama jea dy dri dulu, just smakin hensem kot. *cett, hampehh! haha.

ada la story siket. pagi td nk la djadikan cita, ak my lewat lg. tadak lah lewat mna pun. pstu paria tu soh ak kutep smpah la sgala baq hg. bodo gla. haha, then f3 dh start phimpunan, tkkan ak nk p msuk cm tu jea, mn malu pun enn? haha, pestu ak p la round² st. then bla cegu pggil students yg nk p IPSAH tu, ak pun dgn muka tk brsalahnya masuk barisan. haha, cm bodo jea enn? then sesat pulak tym kt IPSAH tu. bodo gla, org soh p dewan, kami p msuk asrama. mna nk jmpa budak ibrahim nya. haha, depa la. ayu, chaz, rynn. haishh. cegu kan main g ckp nk balik 10.30 la konon, tgk² lajak smpai 11.30. haaa, mna syokk pun. but tym dh smpai sekolah tu, tadak tmpat la pulak dlam library, trpaksa lah kami p dk main game pa ntah kt cafe. nk men tk reti, pstu suka² ja kami ubah rules dy. haha, nyway best gk la. i cant wait fer tomorrow. we're going to cs watching movie in our school tshirt. OMG, mna gabai pun enn?  *haha, byk nya ak ckp. haishh!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

dia yang wajib dimaki hamun!

weyy babi, hg dk wat syok pa tetau a enn? 
tk fhm ak ngan hg! kalo dh org tkmau tu tk payah dk pksa la babi! diri seniri pun cm ngan pelaq, nk kata kt org. 
nk nsihat org,
cermin diri la wehh. fuck tao dak?! 
babi buto nk haram sggoh, haaaaaa! 
and fyi,

*p/s ; tiada kena mengena antara hidup atau yang mati.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

program PASCA PMR ♥

hee, yesterday ak tk post anything cz ak lupa kt blog ak. dk igt fb jaa. haha, sorry, dear :) program kat atas tu start yesterday. kinda fun gak kot. ntah, i haven't explore the whole program yet, so hw do i know ? 

13 Oct 2010 ; at school ja. ada jmuan muhibbah pa kbnda tetau. muhibbah gle aihh, susun mja pnjang nk mmpus. mkanan 3 jenis ja. haha! but, enjoy gk la :)

14 Oct 2010 ; Pusat Sains Negara, Muzium Padi and Galeri Diraja. really enjoy, but penat gk. yg best msa kt pusat sains and galeri tu. muzium padi dh p 4 kali dh, ak nk enjoy mndenya. haha, then mkan kt stadium. 
ohh NASI AYAM, swear hg sedap gila! thanks ayu, for kenalkan ak ngan nasi ayam tu. haha,
then msa balik tu, group kami smpai dulu, group len suma tk smpai g, igt depa dh p mna² dh tggai kami. mna nk bebai pun. haha, tgk² depa smpai gk, but a little bit late than us laaa. tu laa, pkcik bas kami tu bawak laju sgt, ak bkannya sdaq pa kbenda dahh, tidoq mmnjag msa balik tu. haha, pic pun tadak cz makcik ryn darling tu tk upload lg. haishh,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

there is no time :]

there is no time, there is no time.
to do the thing I want to do.
with all the mountain tops to climb,
and all the woods to wander through,
and all the seas to sail upon,
and everywhere there is to go.
and all the people, everyone!
who lives upon the earth to know.

there is only time, and there is only time.
to know a few, and do a few.
and then sit down and make a rhyme,
about the rest i want to do.

*p/s ; i know i should post this months ago, i mean before my PMR. but i wonder where did i put this rhyme until i found it in my file while searching for unwanted books to be recycled :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

it is OVER ! ♥

hoyeahh, PMR is over and i really ♥ it. ak pnya laa xcited nk juaiii abeh suma paper trial, latihan, nota yg ntah papa tuu. haha, cekau duit! wee,

last day;
Math  Paper 1 & 2 and Kemahiran Hidup. msa ak msuk skolah tu, syok ja. qenyih mmnjang, last day la katakn. haha, wat cm pas ni tk mau my kolah dh tu. haha,
Math P1 : kinda easy :)
Math P2 : same, kinda easy too :))
Kh- 4 : OMG, susah gila! tetau la bole score ka dak = ="

happy ni, tp ak tk pikiaq spm g. haha, :D

Sunday, October 10, 2010

stories :))

here are some stories about my PMR days :) disebabkan first day ak da ceta, so ak abaikan ja la ye ,

second day ;
English Paper 1 & 2, Geografi. weather baik saja. yg tk baek nya ak. haha, hendaklah dijadikan cerita. ak lewat bgun ritu. pastu, p skolah lewat. prefect tu soh ak p detention class ptg tu. pala hotak dy! ak nk amek PMR ka, ak nk p detention class? gla ka pa, haha! 
English P1 : kinda though gk la = ="
English P2 : err, boleh la jugak :)
Geografi : OMG, ak tekejut cz SENANG 

third day ;
Science Paper 1 & 2, Sejarah. everything was fine except Science P2. OMG, mcm fuck! haha. bodo gla. format tukaq, soalan spot haram tk masuk satu pun. soalan² yg ak tk penah wat seumur hidup ak. adoyaii, tetau la bole score ka dakk. haishh = =". 
Science P1 : senang gla oo :)
Science P2 : as written above !
Sejarah : ok la :) ak suka la pulak

esok ak story lg bout the last day of PMR. ho-yeahh, can't wait! :D

Saturday, October 9, 2010

iLOVEyou PMR ♥

almost over, sehari ja lagi. then i am officially merdeka :) laa sangat. haha, besok ak post lagi. now ak nk ceta sumthing. disebabkan dh bbrapa hari ak tk post cz bil beruktheband trtunggak, ada la bbrapa cita yg trtgguh dn tdk smpat untuk ditulis. *todia ayat, terpengaruh BM Kertas2, haha! 
hari tu, tym paper agama, first day PMR, tgh la ak syiok² mnjawab soalan yg smemangnya ak study, tiba² ujan turun dgn lebatnya. haha, naseb bek la ak ni tk dk tepi tgkap. abeh paper depa basah kna ujan, paper ak pun basah gak, tempisss. haha, betoi ka dak ak eja pun ak tetau. heee, naseb bek la cegu yg jaga kami tu, prihatin. tlg tutup pntu siap :) thanksss cikgu :D

Saturday, October 2, 2010

stadi stadot!

study wehh. PMR lagi 2 ari jaa. haha, tidak dpt ku bayangkan ke-excited-an ak! haha, ayu my uma. study ♥. haha, study sulam fb! hee,

Friday, October 1, 2010


bqu bangun tidoq stelah boring mndengar leteran pn jumratiah sygg ♥

ak tetau pa nk post act. haha, dk uma rini. stai ad mood sama nk study. mndi pagi pun jd mndi ptg. haha, mgadap pc ni dr pg. meh pula mkcik sheda pyibok ni haaa. hahahha , sory wehh :P